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When Do You Need Orthotic Heel Wedges?

Our feet are important. When there are problems with our feet, they'll often spread to other parts of our body as well. That's where G8 Performance comes in. We offer custom insoles, orthotic heel wedges and metatarsal pads to address a wide range of different foot problems and improve sports performance for professional athletes as well as hobby exercisers. Our insoles provide an innovative solution unlike other orthotic products on the market. Read More

Best Orthotic Wedges: Where Innovation Meets Comfort & Design

Our founder, David Lee, always had problems with his feet, experiencing daily pain and numbness. This only got worse when he joined the US Army as a paratrooper until he couldn't walk barefoot on hard surfaces and the pain spread to his knees and lower back. David was desperate, and he tried all the insoles he could get his hands on. Some of them worked to temporarily relieve the symptoms, but a lot had no effect at all. He knew there had to be a solution to his problems, so when he left the army, he designed his own prototype for an insole that would treat the cause instead of the symptoms. G8 Performance (leading supplier of performance insoles), was born.

Foot Problems That Orthotic Heel Wedges Can Help Alleviate

  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Bad balance
  • Poor biomechanics
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Poor blood flow, feet feel hot and cold
  • Misalignment in the body

Heel Wedges Could Be The Solution To Your Foot Problems

Long-lasting results require treatment of the cause, not the symptoms. Other orthotic heel wedge products are designed to inhibit movement of the feet, which reduces pain. Our products allow the feet to move naturally and get stronger, which doesn't just reduce pain but cures the problem causing pain in the first place. Apart from solving foot issues, they also enhance your performance in sports as they allow your feet to become stronger and expel more force.

G8 Performance Products

Depending on your needs, we offer different options. These include:

  • Custom orthotic insoles: These insoles are great for anyone who cycles, runs, plays soccer or rugby. They offer arch support and allow for the strengthening of your foot muscles. They enhance sports performance and help address issues such as pain, numbness, poor blood circulation, plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.
  • Custom heel wedges: These are an add on to the 2620 insoles and can't be used on their own. The heel wedges will support the effectiveness of the foot balance insoles and are great for correcting misalignment issues. They help with balance, and you can also use our orthotic heel wedges for Achilles tendonitis, as they decrease the amount of weight put on your Achilles' tendons.
  • Metatarsal Dome Insoles: Another add-on to the insoles, these are specifically designed to increase blood flow in the feet, which reduces numbness and tingling experienced in feet and toes, and helps control temperature.
  • Heat mouldable insoles: These are heated up with hairdryers to be customised for your feet, and they provide foot support for people who are on their feet all day. They're also the best choice for children or teenagers with feet that are still growing.

If you have any questions regarding your needs, we're available to provide advice and fitting support. Read Less

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Order your G8's with complete confidence. All G8 Performance insoles and accessories purchased via our website come with a full 90 Day Warranty.

We insist on your complete satisfaction with all our G8 Performance products, service and support or your money back.

G8 Performance - Sport, Performance, Pain Relief & Injury Prevention
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